Unattended Minor Policy
The library welcomes and encourages patrons of all ages to visit the library and take advantage of the programs, services and resources that it offers. Responsibility for the safety and behavior of minors always rests with the parent, guardian, or assigned adult caregiver, and not with library staff. Staff cannot act in place of a parent, nor can library staff supervise unattended youth.
Children (under 10 years old)
Must be accompanied by an adult or sibling/caregiver (over 14 years old) at all times while in the library.
Children (10-13 years old)
May be left in the library without an adult for reasonable periods of time, but parents are responsible for their behavior and will be contacted if necessary. (Reasonable periods of time may vary with a child’s maturity, but generally 3-4 hours shall be considered acceptable).
Children (14 & up)
May be in the library without an adult present.
Disruptive Behavior
Children displaying inappropriate or destructive behavior will be informed of the rules. There is a warning system in place dependent on specific infractions. (See below)
If inappropriate behavior continues, the child may be asked to leave the library. If a child is unaccompanied by an adult or appropriate-aged caregiver, and, in the judgment of the library staff, is too young to travel the streets alone, the staff will attempt to contact a parent, guardian, or assigned caregiver. In the event that such child does not comply or if parents cannot be reached, the Police Department will be requested to assist. In that event, the library assumes no further responsibility for the child.
If the child has had previous incidents of numerous disruptive behaviors, it will be at the discretion of the library whether or not to let the child stay unattended.
Parents and/or guardians, not library staff, are responsible for the behavior of their children using the library. Parents and /or guardians are also responsible for any damage to items, equipment, or property caused by their child.
Disruptive Behavior Warning System
Loud talking or other noise that is disruptive to others
Running in the library
Bullying or talking back--non physical
Having food or beverages at the computer stations
Congregation in or around entrances, inside or out
Not abiding by the dress code (shoes and shirts/bottoms)
Any form of sexual misconduct or public indecency in the building or on the grounds
Misuse of library furnishings, materials, or equipment
Possession or use of alcohol or mood altering drugs on library property
Smoking or the use of tobacco or nicotine products, including e-cigarettes
Abusive language
Throwing books or other library items
Physical threats or abuse
Fighting on library property
Commission of an illegal or unauthorized act on library property, against the patrons, personnel, or property of the library (such as theft, trespass, vandalism, assault, arson, etc.)
Possession of weapons
Library employees are authorized to bring to an individual's attention any act or omission which violates these rules and detracts from the decorum of the library. Such an individual will be asked to change his/her behavior to conform to the rules. If a change in behavior is not evident or forthcoming that individual will be asked to leave the library building and property. If the individual does not leave on his/her own, police may be called for assistance.
Depending on the severity of the misbehavior, individuals who have been asked to leave may be barred from returning to the library. Individuals who have been barred must ask to speak to the Director or Branch Manager before being readmitted. Juveniles may be asked to bring a parent or guardian to such a conference.
Unattended Minors at Closing
No stranded child shall be ejected from the library at closing time. The library staff will attempt to a contact a parent or guardian or assigned caregiver up to 15 minutes after closing. After that time, staff will call the police and ask them to assume responsibility for the unattended child.
Revised by the Library Board of Trustees
July 2024