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The employees of the Harris-Elmore Public Library are its most important asset, and contribute directly to the growth and success of the library, and to the satisfaction of all who use it. These Personnel Policies describe the expectations the library has of its staff, the policies which govern their employment, and the benefits which accrue to them as employees of the library. Library staff, under the authority of the library Director, develops and implement practices, procedures, and regulations to carry out these policies.


These policies supersede any formerly published personnel policies of the Harris-Elmore Public Library. Library policies are always subject to modification as conditions change, and the library’s Board of Trustees may, at its discretion, change policies and employee benefits at any time. Future revisions of these policies approved by the board will take precedence.


It is the responsibility of all employees, and a condition of their employment, to abide by current library policies and procedures. It is the responsibility of each supervisor to administer these policies in a consistent and impartial manner. If the meaning of a particular policy or procedure is unclear, employees should consult their immediate supervisor or the Library Director. In cases where interpretation is necessary, the Director will make the final judgment in interpreting the policies.


Mission Statement


“The Mission of the Harris-Elmore Public Library & Genoa Branch Library is to engage all of our communities, inspire lifelong learning, and provide universal access to a broad range of information, ideas, and entertainment.”


P1 Organization of the Library and Governance


The Harris-Elmore Public Library is a school district library governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of seven members who are appointed by the Woodmore Board of Education.


According to Ohio Revised Code, legal responsibility for the library is vested in the library’s Board of Trustees.  The board is the policy-forming body of the library, and its responsibilities include selection and hiring of the Director; appointment of the fiscal officer; promotion of library interests, securing of funds adequate for a progressive, expanding program; and control of library funds, property and equipment.  Subject to existing statutes and ordinances, it has power to determine the rules and regulations governing the library.


The Director is appointed by the board and is responsible to them for the administration of the library. As chief administrative officer, the Director is empowered to carry out the policies and decisions of the board as they affect both the public and the employees.  All employees of the library are under the authority of the Director either directly or indirectly through department managers or supervisors.


P 1.1 Chain of Command


In the absence of the Director, the Assistant Director, and/or the Branch Manager; the Fiscal Officer shall have the authority to apply discretionary judgments in interpreting board and administrative policy with regard to special or emergency situations. In the event that the Director, Assistant Director, Branch Manager, or Fiscal Officer are not available, the Circulation & Technical Services Coordinator, in consultation with other senior staff members, shall have discretionary authority to interpret policy and assume administrative duties for the system until such time as the board or its officers, acting as an executive committee, shall take such action as it deems necessary or appropriate.


P 2 Employment


P2.1 At-Will Employment


Nothing in the library’s Personnel Policy creates, or should be interpreted to create, an employment contract for any specific length of time between the library and any employee. The Harris-Elmore Public Library is an at-will employer. This means that every employee has the right to terminate his or her employment at any time without cause or notice, and that the library has the right to terminate the employment of any employee at any time with or without cause or notice.  Unless authorized by a written agreement, signed by the president of the board, no manager or other representative of the library has the authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time.


P 2.2 Opportunity for Employment


The Harris-Elmore Public Library is an equal opportunity employer providing employment opportunities for all applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, veteran/military status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the library will provide reasonable accommodation to employees who are qualified individuals with a disability as long as it does not cause undue hardship for the library and the employee can perform the essential functions of the job with acceptable accommodations. Employees should request accommodations from the Director.


P 2.3 Hiring


P 2.31 Open Positions


Most open positions will be posted internally for one week, and then outside applicants may be considered.  It may be in the best interest of the library to advertise some positions externally simultaneously with posting them in- house.


The library accepts employment applications when requested and keeps applications on file for one year.


P 2.32 Background Checks


Prior to extending an offer of employment, or at other times during employment with the library, as appropriate, the library may conduct a detailed reference/background/credit/criminal check of an applicant or      employee. All reference/background/credit/criminal checks will be in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.


The library will conduct a criminal background check of any candidate who is being considered for employment if it is deemed necessary.


The library will conduct a driving record check of any candidate who is being considered for 


employment in a position where driving a library vehicle is one of the job duties.


P 2.33 Appointment


Except for the positions of Director and Fiscal Officer, appointments to the library staff are made by the Director and subject to approval by the board. Notice of appointment is made in writing to the selected candidate and acceptance of the appointment is also made by signing the letter of appointment and sent to the Director. No person shall be considered to hold an appointment with the library until a letter of appointment is issued and a signature of acceptance received by the Director.


P 2.4 Job Performance Evaluation


Job performance evaluation is designed to provide an opportunity for open discussion between the employee and her or his immediate supervisor concerning job performance and work relationships. Each employee’s performance is evaluated formally at regular annual intervals by her or his immediate supervisor. Informal performance feedback should be a routine part of the supervisor/employee relationship. An employee with substandard performance may be considered for remedial action or dismissal.


P 2.41 Probationary Period


The first three [3] months of service constitutes a probationary period for Clerks new to the library and current employees who have moved into a new position. Pages are in a probation period for six (6) months. In addition to the daily training and coaching provided by the employee’s immediate supervisor during the probationary period, the supervisor shall meet formally with the employee during this period to discuss with the employee specific strengths and weaknesses and make recommendations for further improvement. During the probationary period, an employee is ineligible to apply for another position within the library. Any modification of this probationary period is at the discretion of the Director.


The library is not obligated to retain an employee throughout the probationary period if job performance is not satisfactory and there is little evidence that further training would rectify the situation.


At the end of the probationary period, the supervisor will prepare a written performance appraisal of the employee and recommend retaining or terminating the employee. The decision to accept the appointment recommendation rests with the Director. An employee who successfully completes the probationary period becomes a regular employee of the library.


All new Clerks will be on probation for (3) months, and new Pages will be on probation for (6) six months, at the end of which time the Library Director may at his or her own option release the employee whose work or attitudes do not allow him/her to meet the Library’s objectives and job qualifications. The new employee may also quit working if the situation does not fit his/her own needs, without prejudice.



P 2.42 Annual Performance Evaluations


The annual performance evaluation process is an opportunity for supervisors and employees to discuss job-related tasks, goals, and skills, and to acknowledge accomplishments and performance. It is also a time to set goals, evaluate training needs, and help with career planning. The evaluation may also provide information for future decisions, such as, but not limited to, promotions, wage or salary increases, or transfers.


Each regular full-time and part-time employee, who has completed one year of service in his or her current position, is evaluated annually during the month of December.


Written self-evaluations are completed by the employee and then submitted to the employee’s immediate supervisor in the month of November.  These will be reviewed and taken into consideration by the supervisor and then a written evaluation by the supervisor of the employee will be conducted.  Both evaluations will be reviewed by that person’s supervisor, and forwarded to the Director prior to any discussion with the employee about the evaluation. 


The completed evaluation forms are then reviewed by the supervisor and the employee together. Employees are encouraged to openly discuss their performance and goal attainment with their supervisors.


Completed performance evaluations are to be signed by the employee and the supervisor. By signing the evaluation form, the employee indicates that she or he has read and discussed it with the supervisor, not necessarily that the employee agrees with the evaluation. The employee also may attach written comments to the evaluation form; all such comments will be read and initialed by the Director.  Further, the employee may appeal evaluation rating through the proper channels for explanation and possible re-evaluation.  The Director is the final decision-maker in all cases.


The evaluation will be maintained in the employee’s official personnel file.


Evaluation forms for the Director and the fiscal officer will be distributed to members of the Board by the September meeting.  Forms will be given to the Director and Fiscal Officer for self-evaluation at the July meeting in lieu of no meeting in August.  Forms should be returned to the President or his/her designee by the October meeting.  The President or his or her designee will compile the results and discuss the results with the Director and fiscal officer.  The final results will be available to all members of the Board, and will be shared at the November Board meeting.


P. 2.43 Employee Classification Changes or Title Changes




An employee hired in as a Page I will be promoted to a Page II after successful completion of their 6-month probationary period AND by approval of Director.  A Page II can be promoted to a Page III after 24 months of service AND by approval of the Director.  Compensation for a Page I, Page II or a Page III will be reflected in the Board-approved Wage and Salary Schedule for the corresponding year.  A Page I will automatically be moved to a Page II after their probationary 


period unless the Director deems their performance is substandard.  In that instance, a letter will be sent to the employee that will either terminate them, or define a corrective action plan for the employee’s performance.  The Director will then determine the time frame a corrective action plan needs to be assessed again, and at that time will either terminate the employee or promote them to a Page II.  An employee moving from a Page II to a Page III will be notified by a letter from the Director.




An employee hired in as a Clerk I will be promoted to Clerk II after successful completion of their 3-moth probationary period AND by approval of Director.  


A Clerk II can be promoted to a Clerk III only by approval of Director.  Clerk I and Clerk II positions are considered part-time positions.  Clerk III positions are considered full-time positions that work 40 hours per week.  Compensation for a Clerk I, Clerk II or a Clerk III will be reflected in the Board-approved Wage and Salary Schedule for the corresponding year.  A Clerk I will automatically be moved to a Clerk II after the probationary period unless the Director deems his or her performance is substandard.  In that instance, a letter will be sent to the employee that will either terminate them, or define a corrective action plan for the employee’s performance.  The Director will then determine the time frame a corrective action plan needs to be assessed again, and at that time will either terminate the employee or promote them to a Clerk II.  An employee moving from a Clerk II to a Clerk III will be notified by a letter from the Director.  


The Director may approve Title Changes for all other employees, with the exception of the Fiscal Officer, at his or her discretion and change their compensation accordingly.  This will be documented in a letter to the employee on the date it becomes effective.


P 2.5 Disciplinary Policy


Discipline is intended to serve as corrective action and provide an employee notice of a problem and an opportunity to improve. The library hopes that employees will exercise self-discipline so that it will be unnecessary for the library to impose discipline. However, objectionable and unsatisfactory conduct or performance will not be permitted and may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to one or more of the following, depending upon the severity of the infraction:


  • Verbal warning

  • Written warning

  • Final written warning

  • Probation and/or suspension

  • Termination of employment


Certain infractions may warrant immediate suspension or termination. Repeated infractions of a less serious nature may result in progressively more serious disciplinary actions, up to and including termination. At all times, the library may take the disciplinary action it believes is appropriate under the circumstances. 


Behavior which will result in disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to:


  • Unsatisfactory work performance;

  • Violation of the library’s ethics policy;

  • Theft or inappropriate removal of library property;

  • Falsification of timekeeping or any other library records;

  • Misrepresentation on any library document, including resumes and employment applications;

  • Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or controlled substances;

  • Possession, distribution, purchase, or sale of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or controlled substances while on duty;

  • Working on your personal matters while on duty;

  • Disruptive activity in the workplace;

  • Negligent or improper conduct leading to damage of library property;

  • Excessive absenteeism and tardiness;

  • Absence without notice or any unauthorized absence;

  • Unauthorized use or possession of library documents or property;

  • Disregard of safety rules or practices;

  • Creating or contributing to hazardous, unhealthy, unsafe, or unsanitary conditions;

  • Fighting, provoking a fight or altercation, engaging in any act or threat of violence, or any conduct that causes any individual to reasonably fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family, friends, or property;

  • Sleeping during working hours;

  • Insubordination;

  • Possessing weapons on library premises;

  • Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information;

  • Violation of the library’s policies regarding use of computers, e- mail, telephone, or other electronic communications equipment;

  • Smoking in unauthorized areas;

  • Refusing to cooperate with a library investigation;

  • Failing to file work accident reports;

  • Unlawful or inappropriate harassment or discrimination.


Nothing in this policy limits your right or the library’s right to terminate employment at any time, with or without cause or notice.


P 2.6 Separation from Service


At the time of separation, employees that resign and have worked at the library longer than one year are entitled to vacation pay in the amount of any vacation earned but not taken. They are also entitled to receive pay for accrued compensatory time up to forty (40) hours.  This does not apply to employees that have been terminated, no matter how many years they have been employed with the library.  If an employee is dismissed or resigned prior to one year of service, they will also not receive a pay out for vacation or compensatory time.  See P4.32 Vacation Leave


Employees are required to turn in all library property prior to the last day worked.


P 2.61 Termination


All employees of the library serve at-will, which means that the employment relationship may be terminated at any time with or without notice or cause by either the employee or the library.


P 2.62 Resignation


A minimum of two weeks written notice is requested and longer notice would be appreciated, from all staff members prior to resignation. The reason for resigning and the date upon which the resignation will take effect should be included in this notice. Professional staff should give four weeks written notice.


  P 2.63 Retirement


Under the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS), which covers public library employees, the age of retirement and years of service credit required for retirement benefits are determined by the Ohio Legislature.


To determine eligibility for retirement and to determine the best means to maximize benefits, employees approaching retirement should contact OPERS directly for information on retirement options.


There is no mandatory retirement age.


Employees who have retired may be considered for re-employment in compliance with the rules of OPERS.


P 2.64 Abandonment


Unless an employee is on an approved leave, failure to report to work or contact the employee’s work location regarding an absence from work for three 3 consecutive scheduled work days shall constitute job abandonment. Job abandonment shall be grounds for termination of employment, effective retroactively to the end of the employee’s last work shift prior to the unexcused absence. Extenuating circumstances will be taken under consideration.


P 2.65 Death


In the event of the death of an employee, final wage payment shall be made to the estate of the deceased. Payment of accrued vacation leave and compensatory time shall be made to the estate of the deceased.


P 2.7 Reductions in Force


In the event that the Board of Trustees determines that there is a financial emergency or needed retrenchment, it may be necessary to terminate the services of some employees by eliminating certain positions or by declaring certain positions vacant.  


Positions may be eliminated only by the board.  Positions may be declared vacant by the Director. In these situations, as much advance notice as possible will be given to the affected staff.


P 2.8 Personnel Records


P 2.81 Records Requests


Personnel records are retained in the administrative office. The Director and fiscal officer have access to these files for business purposes. An employee's supervisors, with the permission of the Director, may have access to an employee’s documentation for business purposes.


Requests by members of the public, or non-supervisory or administrative library staff, for access to employee personnel records will be honored as required by law following the procedures described in the library’s Public Access to Library Records Policy, and the employees affected will be informed of any request to view their personnel records. All employees have the right to inspect their own personnel files.


P 2.82 Content of Personnel Files


Personnel files may include a variety of documents relating to a staff member’s employment including: forms relating to hiring, transfer, and promotion; performance evaluations and supporting documents; disciplinary records; letters of reference; records of attendance at workshops and other training; emergency contact information; letters of commendation, etc.


Any individually identifiable health information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 Privacy Rule is filed separately from an employee’s personnel file and is not subject to public records requests.


Any documentation pertaining to an individual employee’s behavior or work performance that is placed in an employee's permanent personnel folder must be initialed or signed by the employee as indication of the employee's knowledge of the document (the employee's signature does not necessarily imply agreement). The employee may write a response to any material in the file; the response will be attached to the file copy of the material at the written request of the employee.


Employees may submit materials for inclusion in their personnel files.


P 3 Hours and Wages


P 3.1 Types of Positions


A regular full-time position is one in which the employee’s regularly worked hours are forty (40) hours per week. Full time positions include the Director, Assistant Director, Branch Manager, Programs Librarian, Local History/Genealogy Librarian, Clerk III, and Circulation & Technical Services Coordinator. 


A regular part-time position is one in which the employee’s regularly worked hours are fewer

  than forty (40) hours per week. These positions include Pages, Clerks, Outreach Storytime Specialist, S.T.E.M. Coordinator, and Custodial Staff.


Full-time and part-time employees are entitled to vacation and sick leave benefits. Employees hired after December 31, 2007 must work at least 20 hours or more per week in order to accrue vacation and sick leave.


A temporary position is one in which an employee works in a regular full- or part-time position but for a set period of time, e.g. two months, with set beginning and ending dates. Temporary employment will rarely extend beyond ninety [90] days. Temporary employees do not earn any time benefits.


P 3.2 Job Descriptions and Classifications


Positions in the library are classified. Positions that are generally equivalent in the following respects: kind, complexity, and difficulty of duties: 


responsibility involved; and qualifications required, including education, technical training and experience, are grouped in the same classification.


Managerial positions (Director, Assistant Director & Branch Manager) are grouped in the same classification and are exempt from having to pay overtime pay.


Clerical positions and Pages are in the same classification and are non-exempt from overtime pay.


The Fiscal Officer, who is paid a set amount on a monthly basis, is exempt from overtime pay.


The Coordinator of Circulation & Technical Services, Programs Librarian, and Local History & Genealogy Librarian shall be considered as “professional” employees.  They are considered exempt from overtime pay.


A job description is a written statement of the essential functions of the job. These descriptions also contain information regarding the skills and abilities required in order to perform the essential functions of a job as well as information concerning reporting relationships and working conditions.


Current job descriptions, and pay ranges are available from the Director.


P 3.3 Work Schedules


The employee’s regular hours worked are usually spread over five days, but may be worked in as few as two (2) days. Evening and weekend work will be required of any staff member. Employees are scheduled to meet the needs of the library, and schedules may change from week to week.


An employee may arrange to trade an occasional day or evening off with another staff member, subject to the approval of the employee’s supervisor, and provided that the trade does not interfere with the routine of the library.


An employee unable to report to work at the scheduled time due to an unanticipated emergency, illness, or for any other reason such as bereavement, is required to notify his or her supervisor at least one hour prior to the scheduled time. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.


P 3.4 Payroll


All employees are paid bi-weekly, with the exception of the Fiscal Officer, who will be paid the first pay date of each month. Pay periods will run 

every two weeks.  Time sheets will be due to your supervisor the Monday following each pay period end date.  


Pay dates will be the following Friday, after a pay period end date.  If the pay date falls on a holiday, then employees will be paid on the day before the holiday.  Each year, the Fiscal Officer will distribute to each employee a calendar of when pay periods run, and when pay dates are.  Employees have the option of having their pay stub emailed to them, or sent to them in the mail.  Inquiries regarding payroll should be directed to the Fiscal Officer of Director. 


The library must have permission from employees who want paychecks or statements of deposit released to anyone besides the payee. Paychecks for absent staff members will be held until the next payday unless instructions to mail them have been left with the administrative office.


When an employee loses a library paycheck, the employee will be responsible for the fees charged to the library to void that check and issue a replacement one.


P 3.41 Timekeeping


It is the responsibility of each employee to keep an accurate time card which covers a two week time period. Time sheets shall reflect the hours worked, as well as any leave taken.  Employees are required to fill out a “Leave Request Form” for any time they are not able to come in and work as scheduled (sick leave, vacation leave, unpaid leave, etc.)  The Leave Request Forms will then be attached to your time sheet, and should agree to any leave hours on your time sheet.  Time sheets are to be submitted to the employee’s supervisor the Monday following a pay period end date.  The employee must sign the time sheet, and the supervisor must approve it, indicated by a signature.  When necessary, incomplete time cards may be completed by the supervisor.  


A copy of the Library’s Time Sheet and the Leave Request Form can be found in Appendix A.


Actual work time is compensated, either in pay or compensatory time, at a minimum of thirty (30) minute increments. Unapproved absences may not be considered as hours worked for pay purposes.


Employees are not permitted to sign in or commence work before their scheduled starting time or to sign out or stop work after their scheduled quitting time without the prior approval of their supervisor

*If part time staff are scheduled to work a program outside of library hours or outside of their regularly scheduled hours and the program is cancelled (due to weather or attendance), staff will be paid for set up, the waiting period, and clean up, but not for the entirety of the scheduled program.  If the program is cancelled in advance, they will lose those hours as they were in addition to any regularly scheduled hours.

If part time staff is working a program during their regularly scheduled weekly hours, and it is cancelled, they will instead work at the library performing their normal duties.

Full time staff will have the ability to make up missed hours due to a cancelled program anytime during the current pay period if said program was scheduled outside of library hours.

Organization of the Library
Chain of Command
Performance Evaluations
Permanently Leaving the Library
Records Requests
Job Position Types & Descriptions
Work Schedules

P 3.42 Wage Structure


Each job classification corresponds to a range of pay. An employee’s compensation will fall within the pay range where his or her position is classified.


Compensation is reviewed annually by the board. Its decision about the rate of any raise for staff takes into account the anticipated income for the upcoming year.


Before any raise is computed, the pay ranges may be adjusted for the upcoming year using federal cost of living information. This adjustment is not a raise; however, it establishes new pay ranges for the upcoming year.


The library’s complete, current wage schedule is available from the Fiscal Officer or Director.


P 3.43 Deductions from Wages


Automatic deductions from employee wages include the following:


  • City Income Tax (where applicable)

  • School District Income Tax (where applicable)

  • Federal Income Tax

  • State Income Tax

  • Medicare for employees hired after 4/1/86



Voluntary automatic deductions can be made for:


  • Additional optional Life Insurance

  • Medical Insurance (full-time employees)

  • Deferred Compensation


P 3.5 Overtime and Compensatory Time


Employees who are not exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and whose actual hours worked are more than 40 per week are entitled to be compensated for the extra hours worked. The week is defined as the seven days beginning with Sunday and ending with Saturday.  There shall be no pyramiding of hours or pay.


The only exemption to overtime requirements applies to State & Local governments who may, under certain prescribed conditions, provide compensatory time off in lieu of cash overtime.


Non-exempt employees should be scheduled in such a way as to avoid the necessity of overtime pay or compensatory time off. Supervisors are expected to maintain employee work schedules so that, whenever possible, the employee is not scheduled more than 40 hours per work week.


Adjustments in an employee’s normal schedule should be made by a supervisor to keep hours worked within the 40-hour limitation.  A written

record of employee schedule adjustments due to unusual circumstances should be maintained.


Excess hours above 40 hours require the Director’s written prior approval for all non-exempt employees. Only in an emergency situation will an employee be allowed to work without prior approval, and when that occurs, the employee will be required to notify the supervisor, or Director, at the earliest possible time.


A non-exempt employee, who has received the required prior approval to work hours in addition to those regularly scheduled in a week, will receive compensation as additional time off. Time worked in excess of 40 hours will be compensated at time and one-half of an employee’s hours over 40 in a week. For example: If an employee works over 3 hours in a given week, they may take off 4.5 hours at a later date, not to exceed 180 days from the time it was earned.


Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked.  For this reason, time off for sick leave, vacation, and other paid or unpaid leaves of absence is not counted as hours worked when calculating overtime pay.


A non-exempt employee who elects to receive compensatory time off may accrue up to forty (40) hours of compensatory time, i.e., the equivalent of twenty-six and a half (26.5) hours of actual overtime worked. 


Part-time employees will also be subject to this policy when asked to work in excess of 40 hours per workweek.


Employees have 180 days to use all compensatory time from the time it was accrued.


When non-exempt employees work in excess of 40 hours per week , employees are to mark the extra hours worked in the “Overtime Worked” row on their timesheets.  The Fiscal Officer will track the overage and corresponding time off when taken.  Any questions as to compensatory time balances should be directed to the Fiscal Officer.


When exempt employees (not including the Fiscal Officer) work over 40 hours in one week, they may use those hours as straight compensatory time at a later date, not to exceed 180 days.  Time worked over 40 hours should be noted on their timesheets under “Overtime Worked” and turned in to the Fiscal Officer, who will then track the overage and corresponding time off when taken.


P 3.6 Honoraria


Library staff members requested to speak at job-related meetings or workshops, is encouraged to do so, but must have approval in advance to participate in such programs during time they would normally be scheduled to work. If the staff member presents the program on library time, any cash honoraria paid to the staff member shall be turned in to the fiscal officer. If the program preparation and presentation is done on the employee’s own time, the employee may keep the honorarium.  Staff members may keep any non-monetary material gift received (e.g., pen and pencil set) regardless of whether the program is presented on library time or not.


P4    Employee Benefits


As described below, regular full-time and part-time employees who work 30 hours a week are eligible for the following benefits: paid vacation, sick leave, holiday pay, life insurance, and limited health insurance compensation.

Part-time employees who work at least 20 hours per week are eligible for paid vacation time and sick leave. All employees receive holiday pay when the holiday falls on their regularly scheduled workdays.


P4.1 Retirement


All employees of the Harris-Elmore Public Library must by law be members of the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS). All new employees are required to complete an application form to join OPERS.


Under this system, both the employee and the employer make contributions. The employee pays through payroll deduction the amount required by law.


These payments are on a deferred pre-tax basis. In addition, the library pays to OPERS an amount required by law, which is calculated as percentage of the gross earnings of each employee.


More complete information about OPERS and its benefits may be obtained from the library administration, or from the OPERS office in Columbus.


P4.11 Deferred Compensation


The Ohio Public Employees Deferred Compensation Program is a voluntary supplemental retirement benefit plan regulated by section 457 of the Internal Revenue Service Code and available to Ohio public employees. The money contributed is not subject to Federal or Ohio state income tax until paid out to the individual. Enrollment is voluntary and the employee’s account is directly controlled by the employee. Any employee who meets the 

qualifications established by the plan and chooses to enroll may elect to have a part of his or her pay withheld and deposited with the Plan.


P4.2 Insurance


P4.21 Health, Dental & Vision Insurance


The Board of Library Trustees makes available medical, dental, and vision insurance to all regular full and part-time employees who are regularly scheduled to work twenty (20) hours or more a week, subject to the employee’s eligibility, insurability, enrollment in the Library’s group plan.  To qualify for insurance coverage, the employee must have worked two hundred sixty (260) hours in the previous quarter.  If you were previously covered by the library, but fall short of the hourly threshold at any point during the year, your coverage will be suspended until hours can be accumulated for the next quarter.


New Hires: For all new qualifying employees, insurance coverage will begin ninety (90) days after date of hire. 


Insurance Available to Spouses and Dependents of Employees: Health, vision, and dental insurance is available to an employee’s spouse and dependents. However, if an employee’s spouse and/or other dependent is eligible for insurance coverage through the spouse or dependent’s employer or source other than the Library-provided plan, the employee’s spouse and/or dependent must enroll in that other insurance plan so long as that insurance plan and its net costs are equal to or better than the Library’s insurance coverage.



Reporting Requirements: Employees are responsible for reporting any change in the employee’s status (beneficiary change, marriage, divorce, death, birth, etc.) in writing to the Library Director within five (5) working days of the change. Failure to report a change within this time limit may result in a lapse of insurance coverage. Any additional cost to the Library that is incurred as a result of delayed notice by the employee, shall be reimbursed by the employee.  Intentional violations of this reporting requirement may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. 



Approved by the Harris-Elmore Public Library Board of Trustees on July 17, 2023.


P4.21 Life Insurance


Employees, who work an average of 30 hours or more per week in the previous quarter, are eligible for group life insurance to be paid for by the library, of up to $15,000 for the employee.


Employees may purchase additional life insurance coverage with the library’s life insurance provider, and the total cost of the additional coverage will be deducted from the employee’s paycheck.


P4.3 Paid and Unpaid Leave 


P4.31 Sick Leave


Full-time salaried and hourly employees shall be credited with sick leave.


Part-time salaried and hourly employees working 20 or more hours a week (40 hours each pay period) shall be credited with sick leave.


Eligible employees accumulate sick leave from the first day of their appointment.  Sick leave is accrued at the rate of .0575 hours for each hour the employee works or is on paid leave for the pay period. 


The maximum accrual for full time employees is 720 hours (90 days).  


The maximum accrual for part-time hourly employees is 360 hours (45 days).


Sick leave shall not be used until it is earned.


​Upon retirement or termination of employment, no employee shall be reimbursed for any unused sick leave.


Sick Leave will be granted for the following reasons:


  • For the absence of the employee due to his/her own illness or injury.

  • For the absence of the employee due to illness or injury of someone in the employee’s immediate family for which the employee’s presence is needed. Immediate family is defined as father, mother, wife, child, stepchild, stepparents, grandparents, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, or person living in the same household.

  • For the absence of the employee for medical or dental appointments which cannot be made on the employee’s own time. Absence for medical or dental appointments or treatment must be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor prior to the absence.

  • Bereavement


Sick Leave may be used in increments of no less than one half hour. If time lost through illness exceeds accumulated sick leave, the overage must be deducted from the employee’s vacation allowance or personal leave. Any deviation from this policy is left to the discretion of the Director. At no time may a staff member borrow against future sick leave.


Sick Leave is not to be construed as a form of compensation. Rather, it is intended to protect the income of the employee in case of illness or injury serious enough to prevent the employee from reporting to work. Abuses of the sick leave benefit will not be tolerated and may lead to suspension or termination.


Staff members who are hired after December 31, 2007, will not be eligible for sick leave or vacation unless they work twenty (20) hours or more per week (40 hours each pay period) annually. Employees who were hired prior to Dec. 31, 2007, will be exempt from the requirement to average at least 20 hours per week to be eligible for vacation or sick leave, and their sick leave and vacation time will be calculated according to the above formulas.


P4.31a. Sick Leave Credit – New Employees Coming from Another Public Employer


A new employee coming to the library from another public employer shall be credited with the unused balance of his or her accumulated sick leave from that previous employer up to (240) hours provided no more than 30 days has elapsed since the employee left the previous employer, and provided that the employee was not compensated in any way for the sick leave being credited to the library. This credited sick leave may be used any time after the employee has completed 240 work hours for the library.


P4.31b Catastrophic Sick Leave Donation


An employee may submit a written request for extra sick leave hours for unexpected, catastrophic medical needs only. The employee must have exhausted all of the employee’s own paid leave (sick, vacation, personal, floating holiday and compensatory leave)


This extra sick leave is not for short term illness, caring for a family member, funeral/bereavement leave, or maternity/paternity leaves (although it could be used by a female employee who will be out for an extended period as a result of complications due to her pregnancy.) It is not to be used for permanent disability. Employees are to apply for disability (federal, state, OPERS), where applicable. An employee must submit a written request to the Director that includes the number of hours being requested and a doctor’s statement of the employees need for the sick time. If the request is approved by the Director, the Director will solicit donation of sick leave hours from other staff members. An employee may donate up to 1/3 of his/her sick leave as long as he/she has a remaining balance of at least 120 hours. The Director will determine final eligibility for making the donation. Total time off, with the requesting employee’s own paid leave as described earlier in this paragraph, plus the donated hours requested may not exceed the equivalent of four (4) months of an employee’s work time in a 12-month period.

In the case that the number of hours donated is not exhausted at the end of the catastrophic incident, the requesting employee may retain a sick leave balance of (2) workweeks’ worth of time, or less, upon returning to work.


Any surplus hours in the recipient’s donation account will be returned to the donors in proportion to their individual contributions.


All donations are strictly confidential and in no instance will the donor’s names be revealed without their written approval.


P4.32 Vacation Leave


Vacation with pay is granted to full-time employees as follows:


Years of Service                Weeks of Vacation (to use annually)


        1-4                                                  2 weeks

        5-9                                                  3 weeks

        10+                                                 4 weeks


Part-time employees who work at least twenty (20) hours per week (40 hours each pay period) are granted vacation with pay on a pro-rated basis. The formula used will be:


Total hours worked


        ________ = Average no. hours worked

     52 weeks


This then, (based on years of service) is multiplied by the following:


    Years of Service                   Multiply By


        1-10                                            2

        11-20                                          3

        20+                                             4


All vacation must be taken by December 31st of the year it was earned, or be forfeited. No reimbursement will be paid for vacation not taken by December 31 nor will any unused vacation be allowed to be carried over to the following year.


Staff members who are hired after December 31, 2007, will not be eligible for sick leave or vacation unless they work twenty (20) hours or more per week (40 hours each pay period) annually. Employees who were hired prior to Dec. 31, 2007, will be exempt from the requirement to average at least 20 hours per week to be eligible for vacation or sick leave, and their sick leave and vacation time will be calculated according to the above formulas.


New employees who meet the above criteria accrue vacation time effective from their first day of employment and are entitled to use their vacation one year from their date of hire. New employees shall not be permitted to use annual leave until they have worked for the library for 1 year. 


New employees who are dismissed or resign before their first year will not receive vacation pay.  A resigning employee should set the separation date so that any remaining earned vacation may be used prior to the separation date. No salary or wage payment will be made for vacation time remaining after the employee’s separation date.  This will also apply to employees that are terminated, but have been employed by the library for longer than one year.  However, this does not apply to resigning employees that have been employed by the library longer than one year.  See P2.6 Separation of Service for details.


Vacation leave may not be used in quantities less than one half hour. 


Annual leave shall not be used until it is earned. 


An employee will be required to exhaust all vacation time prior to being placed on unpaid status, unless special circumstances have been given by the Director.


A new employee who has service credit with the State of Ohio or any political subdivision of the State (i.e. township, municipality, library, school district, Health district, etc...) may use prior service credit for the purpose of computing vacation leave. Employees must submit a service credit statement to certify eligible years of service. Employees who have retired from a state-offered retirement plan are not entitled to have prior service counted for the purpose of computing vacation leave.


P4.32a Scheduling Vacation


Vacation leave may be requested at any time during the year but should be requested in writing at least one week (7 days) prior to the start of the vacation.


The supervisor is responsible for seeing that a department is adequately staffed to avoid a disruption to the operation of the library, and has the right to determine the number of employees to be on vacation at any given time. Whenever possible, employees will be given their choice of vacation time, but the needs of the library may from time to time require that employees make adjustments in their vacation schedules.


P4.33 Holidays


The library closes for certain holidays each year. When any of these holidays falls on a Sunday, the library will be closed the following Monday.


New Year’s Day

Martin Luther King Day (3rd Monday in January)

President’s Day (3rd Monday in February)

Memorial Day


Independence Day

Labor Day

Veteran’s Day

Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Eve Day

Christmas Day
New Years Eve (close at 4pm)


These are paid holidays for staff when the holiday falls on their regularly scheduled workday.


P4.34a Religious Observances


For members of religious groups which have special observances on days other than holidays observed by the Library, the supervisor or Director, upon request, may arrange the schedule so that employees may absent themselves. Employees may use their own leave time, or the supervisor or Director, may, if possible, within the same workweek, allow those employees to make up the lost time.


P4.35 Non-scheduled or Emergency Closings


The Director or his/her designee will make all decisions concerning the closing of the library in emergency situations (e.g. weather, fires, failure of the heating system, disruption of utility services, environmental or safety hazards, etc.) These administrative closings shall be restricted to the immediate and short-term requirements of the library. Extended closings shall be handled on a case-by-case basis.


If, due to the emergency, the library cannot open, those employees scheduled to work that day will be paid their regular wages. Should the library remain open, but an individual staff member is unable to get to work or is granted permission to leave work early because of the above circumstances, the staff member has the option of using up to three sick leave days or making up their hours at another time.

This policy shall also apply to early closing of the library for any of the above listed reasons or other emergency as deemed by the Director.


This policy was adopted by the Board of Trustees, February 9, 2009.


P4.36 Jury Duty


Any library employee (excluding Pages), who is summoned to jury duty shall be paid by the Library, his/her regular hours for scheduled hours, while performing such duty, and shall be permitted to keep any remuneration he/she receives from the Court for such service.


Note: This is retroactive to January 1, 1997.


P4.37 Military Leave


Employees on military leave of absence shall be entitled to all rights provided by law.


P4.38 Family and Medical Leave


Under the Federal guidelines of the Family and Medical Leave Act, the library is not of a sufficient staff size to require compliance with this act. The library does have other policies and benefits that address many of the same staff needs.


P4.39 Maternity/Paternity Leave


Maternity/Paternity leave may be granted by the Director who shall report such leaves to the Board of Trustees. Such leave should not exceed eight (8) weeks. Such leave may be granted either with pay utilizing available sick leave and vacation leave, or, if necessary, leave without pay.


P4.4 Leaves of Absence without Pay


Leaves of absence without pay shall be granted at the discretion of the Director with Board approval. Conditions relative to such leave shall be negotiated between the Director and the employee. Requests for such leave must be made in writing at least 15 days prior to the planned absence.


Employees should be aware that during unpaid leaves of absence exceeding 30 calendar days the library does not pay any part of the employee’s health insurance premiums. If the library’s insurance carrier permits employees on leave to continue their benefits, the employee is responsible for prepayment of 100% of the insurance premiums. In addition, no paid leave is accrued while on an unpaid leave of absence.


P4.5 Other Miscellaneous Benefits


P4.51 Meal Breaks


Staff who work at least 4 hours receive a 15 minute break.


Staff who work up to 5.5 hours receive a 20 minute break.


Staff who work over 5.5 hours receive a 30 minute meal break.


These are paid meal breaks and so must be taken in the Library. Those who wish to leave the building for meal breaks will not be paid for the break. Unpaid meal breaks must be noted on time cards.


Employees under 18 years of age who work more than five consecutive hours are required by law to have at least a 30 minute lunch period. These are paid meal breaks and so must be taken in the library. Those who wish to leave the building for meal breaks will not be paid for the break. Unpaid meal breaks must be noted on time cards.


P.4.52 Supporting Breastfeeding Employees


In recognition of the well documented health advantages of breastfeeding for infants and mothers, the Harris-Elmore Public Library provides a supportive environment to enable breastfeeding employees to express their milk during work hours for up to one year after the child’s birth.


Library Responsibilities

Breastfeeding employees who choose to continue providing their milk for their infants after returning to work shall receive:


Milk Expression Breaks

Breastfeeding employees are allowed to breastfeed or express milk during work hours using their normal breaks and meal times. For time that may be needed beyond the usual break times, employees may use vacation leave, take unpaid leave, or may make up the time as negotiated with the Director or Branch Manager.


A Place to Express Milk

A private room (not a toilet stall or restroom) shall be available for employees to express milk. The staff room will be used as it is private and sanitary, located near a sink with running water for washing hands and rinsing out breast pump parts, and has an electrical outlet. Expressed milk can be stored in the staff refrigerators (must be labeled) or in the employee’s personal cooler.  It is expected that all employees will assist in providing a positive atmosphere of support for breastfeeding employees.


Employee Responsibilities

Communication with Supervisors
Employees who wish to express milk during the work period shall keep supervisors informed of their needs so that appropriate accommodations can be made to satisfy the needs of both the employee and the library. They must also inform supervisors if they will discontinue expressing milk before the one year mark.


Maintenance of Milk Expression Areas
Breastfeeding employees are responsible for keeping milk expression areas clean, using anti-microbial wipes to clean the pump and area around it. Employees are also responsible for keeping the staff room clean for the next user. This responsibility extends to both designated milk expression areas, as well as other areas where expressing milk will occur.


Milk Storage
Employees should label all milk expressed with their name and date collected so it is not inadvertently confused with another employee’s milk. Each employee is responsible for proper storage of her milk using the library provided refrigerator or personal storage cooler. 


Use of Break Times to Express Milk
When more than one breastfeeding employee needs to use the staff room, employees can use the sign-in log provided in the room to negotiate milk expression times that are most convenient or best meet their needs.


The breastfeeding employee must provide all of their own equipment.  The library is not responsible for any missing or damaged equipment brought onto the premises.


P5 Employee Conduct


P5.1 Ethics


Library employees are public employees and as such are subject to the Ohio Ethics Law and related statutes. Each employee will receive a copy of the Ohio Ethics Law for review, and will sign an Acknowledgement of Receipt of Ohio Ethics Law. The signed Acknowledgement will be kept in the employee’s permanent file.


The “General Prohibition” section of Ohio’s Ethics Law is reproduced below. Although not a substitute for the entire text, the “General Prohibition” provides some guidance for public employees.


General Prohibitions


The Ohio Ethics Law contains provisions restricting conflicts of interest that involve nepotism, post-employment, representation, influence peddling, confidentiality, and supplemental compensation. Among other restrictions, the law provides that each public official and employee is prohibited from:


  • Authorizing, or using his position to secure the authorization of a contract, for himself, a family member, or a business associate;

  • Authorizing, or using his position to secure the authorization of, the investment of public funds in any kind of security to benefit him, a family member, or a business associate;

  • Receiving any benefit from a contract entered into by his public entity;

  • Hiring or securing any contract benefits for his/her spouse, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, or siblings, or any other relatives living with him or her;

  • Soliciting or accepting substantial and improper things of value, including gifts, or travel, meals and lodging;

  • Participating in matters where something of value will result for the public official or employee himself, his family, his business associates, or others with whom the public servant has a close tie that could impair his objectivity;

  • Disclosing or using information deemed confidential by law;

  • Representing parties, before any public agency, in a matter in which she was involved as a public servant, both during and for one year after leaving public service.


P5.2   General Staff Conduct


P5.21 Customer Service


All staff members are expected to give the highest standard of service to all patrons regardless of the social standing, sex, creed, race, age, ethnic or national origin, citizenship, or disability of the patron. It is the responsibility of the staff to provide the individual patron with efficient service in a friendly and cordial manner. Each staff member’s attitude should always be one of intelligent, courteous and interested service. No staff members should be so engrossed in his/her routines that a patron received only superficial attention.


Staff members shall refrain from voicing opinions on school assignment questions or any reference question that a patron might have. All patrons will be treated with respect.


Telephone contacts with the public need special courtesy. Avoid keeping a person waiting on the phone; offer to call back rather than keep an individual waiting unless it is a long distance call.


When a staff member must choose between answering any individual at the desk and the ringing phone (which can be very distracting), take the caller’s name and number and promise to call him/her back as soon as possible after having finished helping the patron waiting at the desk.




  • All staff members are expected to cooperate with their Director in attaining the common goals for which they work. In resolving problems, the employee will follow the established chain of command.


  • It is the responsibility of the Director to make the members of his/her staff aware of the overall objectives of the Library. When changes in operations or techniques are being contemplated, the Director will involve the staff in discussions regarding such changes, giving the staff ample opportunity to discuss such proposals and to make useful and meaningful suggestions.


P5.22    Personal Appearance (Dress Code)


The objective of the Harris-Elmore Public Library in establishing a business casual dress code is to allow our employees to work comfortably in the workplace. Yet, we still need our employees to project a professional image for our patrons. Business casual dress is the standard for this dress code. Because all casual clothing is not suitable for the library, these guidelines will help you determine what is appropriate to wear to work. No dress code can cover all contingencies so employees must exert a certain amount of judgment in their choice of clothing to wear to work. If you experience uncertainty about acceptable, professional business casual attire for work, please ask the Director or Branch Manager.  Name tags must be worn at all times during working hours.


Acceptable Attire


  • Suits, blazers, or sport coats

  • Dress shirts with/without necktie

  • Dress slacks

  • Khakis or Docker Style slacks

  • Jeans that are not torn, frayed, stained, or white washed

  • Business dresses or skirts that reach mid thigh or longer

  • Pantsuits

  • Sweaters/Cardigans

  • Polo or Golf Shirts

  • T-shirts/(3/4) length shirts/Long sleeve shirts that are plain or have writing/designs that are library appropriate and non offensive (not stretched, worn, or torn)

  • Capris or jean capris (not torn, frayed, whitewashed)

  • Bermuda dress shorts (must be at least knee length)

  • City/Library/Friends logo apparel

  • Dress shoes, loafers, flats, dress boots, dress sandals, and tennis shoes (clean and not torn)

  • Leggings (if worn with a shirt/dress that covers the rear)


Unacceptable Attire


  • Clothing that reveals too much cleavage, your back, your chest, your shoulders, your stomach or your underwear

  • Excessively short skirts

  • Sweatpants, sweat shirts, or track suits

  • Shorts (except Bermuda shorts)/bib overalls

  • Cropped tops, spaghetti straps, tube tops, tank tops, halter tops, etc.  Shirts must be long enough to cover waistline at all times

  • Flip flops (sandals that are made from foam or athletic sandals)/ Slippers

  • Caps, hats, sweat bands, bandanas (Library Director may authorize exceptions for employees undergoing medical treatments resulting in hair loss or religious reasons)

  • Shirts with logos/images/words that are offensive or inappropriate

  • Torn, worn, or frayed clothing


Hair Styles

  • Hair must be well groomed and worn in such a way as to not interfere with one’s work activities

  • Staff may dye their hair an unnatural color

Piercings & Tattoos

  • Piercings are allowable on any portion of the body as long as studs are worn for safety reasons.  Small hoops or dangles may be worn in the ears only.

  • Tattoos are allowable as long as they do not display offensive or inappropriate words/logos/images and they do not appear on one’s face.

If clothing fails to meet these standards, as determined by the Director or Branch Manager, the employee will be asked not to wear the inappropriate item to work again. If the problem persists, the employee may be sent home to change clothes and will receive a verbal warning for the first offense. Disciplinary action will be applied if dress code violations continue. 


This policy was effective on July 1, 2018.
Updated on November 14, 2022


P5.23 Attendance


Punctuality is essential to the smooth functioning of the library. Employees are expected to be at their work stations and ready to undertake the day’s tasks promptly at the time their work day is scheduled to begin.


There may be occasions when tardiness is unavoidable due to some emergency or unusual situation. When an employee expects to be late, the supervisor should be notified as early as possible. If an employee is late, she or he should report to the supervisor immediately upon arrival, and make arrangements to make up the time during the day or same week.


P5.24 Confidentiality


All employees who create or who have access to circulation records and other records identifying the names of library users with specific materials are directed to become fully conversant with, and rigidly adhere to, the library’s policy regarding confidentiality of patron records.


P5.23 Smoking


Smoking is prohibited in all areas inside the library buildings and on library grounds.


P5.25 Weapons


Firearms, handguns, knives, or other weapons further defined by Ohio statute or local ordnance are prohibited on library property or in library vehicles. During working hours or while conducting library business, employees are strictly prohibited from possessing any firearm or weapon on library property. Library property includes all library-owned or leased buildings and surrounding areas, such as sidewalks, walkways, parking lots and driveways. This policy applies to all employees and other persons entering the library’s property at all times regardless of whether the employee or person is licensed to carry the weapon.


The only exception to this policy will be police officers, security guards, law enforcement officials, or other persons who have been given consent by the library to carry a weapon on the property.


P5.26 Non-discriminatory Statement


The Harris-Elmore Public Library is an equal opportunity employer and practices a policy of non-discrimination in hiring and promotion without regard to gender, age, race, creed, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, disability, citizenship, religion or marital status.


P5.27 Anti-Discrimination Policy


It is Library policy that all staff members have a right to work in an environment free of discrimination. Therefore, in compliance with both the letter and the spirit of all applicable laws and regulations, the Library prohibits unlawful discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, sexual orientation or because of one’s status as a veteran. The Library prohibits harassment of its staff members in any form. Such conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.


P5.3 Sexual Harassment Policy


Sexual harassment is a unique form of gender discrimination and is defined as unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors and other physical, verbal or visual conduct based on gender under any of the following circumstances:

  • Submission to the conduct is an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment.

  • Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct is used as the basis of an employment decision.

  • The conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.


Sexual harassment, or any other behavior which is discriminatory, will subject the offending employee to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Employees who believe they have been discriminated against or witnessed discrimination based on any of the circumstances listed above

should report the behavior to their immediate supervisor or the Director. If the problem lies with the Director, the employee is urged to speak to the President of the Board of Trustees.


All complaints and investigations of alleged harassment will be investigated promptly and thoroughly and the employee will be advised of the findings and conclusion; complaints and investigations will be kept as confidential as possible. The library will take appropriate corrective action, up to and including dismissal, to remedy violations of this policy by library employees. Members of the public who engage in such harassment may be denied access to library buildings.


No reprisal, retaliation, or other adverse action will be taken against any employee who in good faith reports harassment, or assists in the investigation of any such matter.


P5.4 Drug Free Workplace


The Library recognizes that the use of illegal or unauthorized drugs or alcoholic beverages on library premises or while conducting library business poses a serious threat to the safety of the employees and library users, and compromises the quality and reliability of work and service to library users.


The Library complies with the provisions of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988.


The manufacture, possession, use, distribution, or dispensation of illegal or unauthorized drugs, as defined by law, or of alcoholic beverages on library premises or while conducting library business is prohibited. Employees shall not work, or report to work, under the influence of illegal drugs, nor under the influence of controlled substances, including alcohol; an exception may be made by prescription drug therapy as described below.


Violation of these prohibitions may subject an employee to dismissal.


Under the terms of the Drug Free Workplace Act, employees must notify the Director of any conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring on library premises or while conducting library business no later than five days after such a conviction. Failure to report a conviction may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.


P5.41 Prescription or Over-the-Counter Medications


Prescription or over-the-counter drugs shall be used in a manner, combination, and quantity prescribed or recommended. An employee, who will be using prescription drugs on library premises, or during work time, will determine by consulting with the prescribing physician whether the prescribed drug may impair physical, and/or mental abilities. If the medication could affect the employee’s ability to perform any aspect of the job, including affecting the employee’s behavior, the employee must notify the supervisor. Failure to report this possible impairment may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.


P5.42 Drug Testing


If the Director has a reason to believe that an employee is using illegal drugs or alcohol in violation of the library’s policies, that employee may be required to submit to a drug or alcohol test.


P5.43 Drug or Alcohol Dependency Treatment


An employee may request to use accrued sick leave or request any unpaid leave of absence to receive the recommended treatment for a drug or alcohol problem. Employees are urged to request assistance with any drug or alcohol problem before disciplinary action is necessary.


The cost of treatment is the responsibility of the employee and may be covered by the employee’s health insurance.


P5.5 Workplace Violence


Acts or threats of physical or verbal violence (including intimidation, harassment, or coercion) which involve or affect the library or its employees or which occur on library property will not be tolerated. Such conduct will be met with the strongest disciplinary action by the library, up to and including termination, the use of law enforcement, and the use of criminal prosecution measures.

P5.6 Security of Library Personnel


Recognizing the potential for personal harm of individuals serving the public from a public institution, the following regulations are established to minimize such risk. Adherence to these regulations by the Library Staff shall be considered a condition of employment.


  • All exterior doors shall be kept locked except during hours of admission to the public.

  • During hours of admission only the main entrance doors shall be unlocked and used by the public. All other outside doors are to remain locked and are to be used by the public for emergency purposes only.

  • Employees shall park close to the building in a well-lighted area only.

  • During hours of admission, every attempt should be made to have two library staff members on duty performing library service functions, only one of which may be a Page.

  • Employees leaving the building after dark shall be accompanied to their vehicles or their residence by another person.

  • In the event of, threat of, or actual physical or verbal abuse or molestation of an employee or a patron, the following actions shall be taken:​

    • Other employees on duty shall be notified immediately.
    • A 911 emergency call shall be placed immediately.

    • All other incidents shall be recorded in writing by the senior employee on duty and communicated to the Director of the Library.


P5.61 Library Equipment and Property


Employees may be issued or allowed the use of library property or resources such as keys, computers, email, etc. Employees in possession of library equipment are expected to protect equipment from loss, damage or theft, and to use it in an appropriate manner. Upon separation of employment, employees are required to turn in all library property prior to last day worked.


P5.62 E-mail


E-mail provided by the library is a library resource, provided primarily for conducting library business. In addition to intra-library communication, it may be used to access work-related listservs or for professional correspondence. Internal library messages should be concise and sent only to persons directly in need of receiving them. Announcements of important events in the lives of staff members are appropriate, as are announcements of upcoming vacations. It is not appropriate to use e-mail for advertising to library staff, e.g. announcements about free kittens, walk-a-thons, yard sales, etc. A library e-mail account should not be used for personal correspondence on the employee’s own time. When staff workstations are not available, staff members may use a public Internet station. Library provided e-mail service is neither private nor protected; it is the property of the library and its use may be monitored.


P5.63 Software


It is the policy of the library to utilize all software in accordance with its individual licensing agreement. Unless otherwise provided in the license, any duplication of copyrighted software, except for backup and archival purposes, is a violation of the law. Unauthorized duplication of copyrighted computer software is contrary to the library’s standard of conduct.


P5.64 Keys


In order to protect the security of library buildings and property, and for staff safety, the distribution of keys to employees or other parties is limited and restrictive.


The Director has specific responsibility for issuing keys.


Upon separation from library employment, staff members are required to return all assigned keys.


P5.7 Use of Personal Vehicles on Library Business


The driver and any passengers must use seat belts, as already required by state law. This requirement pertains to the use of personal vehicles on library-related business.


Employees are not permitted to operate personal vehicles on library business when any physical or mental impairment may cause them to be unable to drive safely.  This also includes temporary incapacities such as illness, medication or intoxication.

An employee must notify a supervisor or the Director immediately in the event that the employee is cited for any driving violation that limits the employee’s driving privileges; or, employees involved in an accident while on library business will be required to pay for the ticket (violation).


P5.8 Travel for Library Employees and Trustees


The Harris Elmore Public Library encourages its employees to take advantage of local and regional library training and professional development opportunities. The Library annually budgets staff training to allow staff to attend job related workshops and meetings and to travel to conduct official Library business. 


Attendance at workshops, meetings, courses, and conferences, when pertinent to the requester’s job duties or professional development, and approved by the Director, will be considered as scheduled hours worked.  Time spent driving to and from the event will count towards hours worked.  As justification for attendance, the Director may require the requester to speak about the professional development opportunity at a future staff meeting.


The Library encourages all employees to attend staff development events. Each staff member (with the exception of Pages) is required to attend at least two staff development opportunities each year.  This may take the form of conference, workshop, online class, webinar, or podcast. The Director reserves the right to deny requests and to reserve funds for other staff members to attend future events. 


P5.81 Approval


All employees must submit a Travel Reimbursement Form to the Director, Assistant Director or Branch Manager for approval before reimbursement will be made by the Fiscal Officer.  The Board President must approve the Director’s Travel Reimbursement Form.


P5.82 Reimbursement Procedure


All receipts for professional development expenditures should be submitted to the Fiscal Officer within two weeks of the staff member’s return, preferably with the employee’s timesheet. Receipts that are not submitted in a timely manner may lose their eligibility for reimbursement. Expenses incurred without a receipt will not be reimbursed, with the exception of mileage reimbursements.

The Library will pre-pay an event registration if a registration form is submitted and approved. If the employee pays for the registration fee using their own funds, they will be reimbursed after the event. In the latter case, the employee must present a receipt for the registration fee and proof of attendance, at the discretion of the Fiscal Officer or Director, to be reimbursed. 

The Director may approve reimbursement of membership fees, pre-and post-training event costs, and other ancillary costs.


P5.83 Additional Savings Opportunities 


Staff should take advantage of early registration, conference room rates, and any other discounts associated with their travel (e.g., double -room occupancy, etc.). While not necessarily a requirement for attendance, the availability of these opportunities may be a determining factor in the Director’s approval of a conference/staff development request. Failure to obtain cost savings may result in denial of the request or amendments to approved reimbursements for the request.  


P5.84  Transportation -MILEAGE 


The Library will reimburse mileage, at the IRS Standard Mileage Rate, and any applicable tolls. When two or more staff attend the same event, staff are expected to carpool unless a justifiable reason prevents it. The Library reserves the right to limit mileage reimbursement if staff do not carpool without a justifiable reason.  When two or more staff travel together, only one will be reimbursed for the mileage allowance.  


When submitting for mileage reimbursement for an event or conference, please use the Travel Reimbursement Form. The Fiscal Officer, Director, Assistant Director, or Branch Manager will review the trip information for approval and reserve the right to edit the request or request additional documentation.


When submitting for mileage reimbursement for daily Library business, such as travel between branches, speaking engagements, program outreaches, etc., please use the Mileage Reimbursement Form.  


All reimbursement forms should be submitted to the Fiscal Officer along with their timesheet.

P5.85 Air Travel 


Pending prior approval, staff members must make airline reservations using the Library’s credit card under the guidelines of the Library’s Credit Card policy, OR with their personal credit card to be reimbursed by the Library upon return.  Reservations should be made for economy class fare. Reimbursement for business or first-class airfare is not allowed.  Air Travel must be pre-approved by a vote of the Library Board of Trustees.


P5.86  Other forms of transportation (Railroads, Buses, etc.)


These forms of transportation are allowed but should not exceed the commercial air fare that would be reimbursable for the same trip.


P5.87  Lodging 


When overnight lodging is deemed necessary, employees will be reimbursed for a standard single-room at locations convenient to the business activity.  In the event of a change in plans or a cancellation, the employee must cancel the hotel/motel reservation so as not to incur cancellation charges.  Cancellation charges will not be reimbursed by the library unless approved by a vote of the Library Board of Trustees.


When a staff member is attending a conference and conference rates are given at various hotels or motels, the staff member should make reservations at one of these locations. Other lodgings may be booked but should not exceed the cost of hotel or motel conference rates. 


Exercise facilities, movies, or other forms of entertainment are not reimbursable Library travel expenses.  


P5.88  Meals

Meals will be reimbursed at the per diem rate up to $25 if an overnight stay is necessary for conference attendance.  Meals are only reimbursed within the duration of the conference.


P5.89  Parking Fees 


Reasonable and necessary costs for automobile parking will be reimbursed when there are no more practical options available. Requestors must present a receipt or a copy of their credit card statement that clearly indicates the parking fees in order to be reimbursed. 


P5.90  Miscellaneous 


Other expenses will be reimbursed if determined to be reasonable and necessary and if supporting receipts, documents, etc., are provided.


P5.91  Exclusions


No reimbursement will be made for entertainment expenses or alcohol.


Ovetime & Comp Time
Employee Benefits
Health & Life Insurance
Sick & Vacation Leave
Vacation Leave
Emergency Closings
Types of Leaves
Meal Breaks
Employee Conduct
Customer Service
Dress Code
Prohibited Items
Discrimination & Harassment
Drugs & Alcohol
Workplace Violence
Library Equipment & Property
Mileage & Reimbursement
Contact Info

Harris-Elmore Public Library

328 Toledo St. P.O. Box 45

Elmore, OH 43416


Phone:  (419) 862-2482

Fax:  (419) 862-2123


Genoa Branch Library

602 West St.

Genoa, OH 43430


Phone:  (419) 855-3380

Fax:  (419) 855-7012


Library Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9:30am - 7pm

Friday: 9:30am - 5pm

Saturday: 9:30am - 3pm

Sunday: CLOSED

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