Wifi Hotspots
Play Games. Connect your Devices. Stream Videos.
Our Mobile Hotspots are your Internet Connection
at home or on the go!
Check one out from the Library TODAY!
(6 at each Library Location)

Mobile Hotspot – Agreement & Guidelines for Borrowing and Use
General Guidelines
Borrowers will have access to the internet via Hotspot made available by the library
Borrowers are responsible for ethical & legal use of the Hotspot's technology
Borrower agrees that the transmission of any material that is in violation of any state or federal law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to confidential information, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, and computer viruses because of internet usage from the mobile Hotspot
Any attempt to alter data or the configuration of the mobile Hotspot is strictly prohibited and may be considered an act of vandalism and subject to full replacement cost value
Borrower must be over 18 years of age and in good standing at the library (no lost materials or accrued fines of over $5)
Only one Hotspot may be checked out to a family at a time
Legal Propriety​
Comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements. Ignorance of the law is not immunity
The library is not responsible for any misuse, harm, or any other result due to patron use of the mobile Hotspot
Internet Connection
The mobile Hotspot is intended for the use of the patron who checked out the device and their immediate family members
Patrons may not profit from renting or charging connection fees to the Hotspot
International use, including Mexico or Canada is prohibited
Protection & Storage
Patrons must agree to take care of the Hotspot and to make sure it is not dropped or abused to cause the device harm or damage. Keep it away from water, sand, dirt, dangerous areas, and extreme heat or cold. If the device is damaged, the patron is financially responsible for the replacement value of the device
Please return the device to the Librarian at the Front Desk and do not return it in the Book Drop
When not in use, the Hotspot should be stored in a safe and secure location
The Hotspot may be checked out for 7 days with the option of ONE 7 day renewal, provided there are no "holds" on the item. If there is a "hold on the Hotspot, it may not be renewed.
The maximum amount of time that a hotspot may be checked out is 2 WEEKS (this includes one renewal). Patrons must return the hotspot within the two week period to have it physically checked in/checked out again or to get another hotspot as we cannot renew the hotspot more than one time.
Overdue Hotspots will be charged $5 per day with a maximum of $205
Overdue Hotspots will be deactivated within 24 hours after the due date
If service is to be deactivated, a service charge of $5 will be applied
Borrowers are responsible for any roaming fees
The library reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who abuses equipment or is repeatedly late in returning electronic devices
Replacement Fees
Hotspot $165
AC Adapter & Cord $20
Case $20