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Computer & Internet Usage Policy

The Harris-Elmore Public Library & Genoa Branch Library are pleased to be able to provide access to the internet through OPLIN (Ohio Public Library Information Network) & Amplex.  However, patrons must abide by the following rules; otherwise privileges may be revoked.




  • You may log into the Cybrarian Reservation Software using your library card and PIN. If you do not have your card, you need to check in with the front desk for a guest pass.

  • No more than ONE (1) person is allowed at a terminal.  Exceptions may be made for parents working with a child or children working together on a project.  This is only at the discretion of the staff member on duty.

  • A time limit of thirty (30) minutes will be placed on internet use if other patrons are waiting

  • No personal software may be used on public access computers, nor may the patron's own work be saved to the computer hard drive.  Portable hardware, such as a USB drive are permitted.

  • There will be a charge of fifteen (15) cents per sheet of paper printed in black and white.  There will be a charge of twenty-five (25) cents for each page printed in color.  You must alert the front desk of when you are printing so they may release the print job.

  • Users are responsible for damage to the computers incurred during use and will be required to pay for damages.

  • Currently the library does not offer computer classes.  Therefore, users must be able to use computers on their own.  Staff will make every effort to assist users as time and their capabilities permit.

  • Rowdiness or horseplay will not be tolerated, nor will the use of inappropriate language or internet sites.




The internet contains a vast variety of material and information that may or may not be correct or reliable and also contains various points of view or images that may be offensive to the patron.  The computers will be used for educational, informational, and recreational purposes only.


As with other library materials, the library feels that it is solely the parent's responsibility to determine what sites their children may select.  It is suggested that parents develop a set of rules to be used regarding the Internet.  The library staff will be happy t suggest sites especially suitable for children.  While the Library will limit the individual's time spent using the internet, restriction of a minor's access to the Internet is the responsibility of the minor's parent or legal guardian.


Users must comply with the U.S. copyright law and all other applicable laws.  


  • You may not send, receive, or display text or graphics that may be construed as obscene or illegal.

  •  You may not use this resource for illegal purposes.  

  • You may not download copyrighted material. 

  • You may not modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others, by seeking unauthorized access to any computer system or damaging or altering computer software components of any network, host server, or database.


The Harris-Elmore Library & Genoa Branch Library assume no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of an internet site or from its connections to other internet services.  Be advised that financial information transmitted may nor be secure.  All users agree to hold the Library, OPLIN and Amplex harmless from any claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities, directly or indirectly relating to the use of the internet.




The Library is pleased to offer free wireless internet access to users with wireless enabled mobile devices and through use of library hot spots for checkout.  Wi-Fi is less secure than a wired network.  Signal strength may vary in the building.  


By choosing to use this service, you agree to abide by the library's internet policy that prohibits abusive or illegal activity while using the library's internet service.  The user acknowledges that he/she is subject to and agrees to abide by all laws and rules and regulations of the State of Ohio and the federal government that is applicable to Internet use.


Use of the wireless network is at your own risk and the Library is not responsible for any damage that may occur to your computer/device while connected.  The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of patron equipment or other wireless device configurations, security or data files.


It is the responsibility of the user to understand this policy and his/her obligation to refrain from viewing inappropriate or illegal websites, or using the Wi-Fi connection to engage in illegal activities including, but not limited to:


  • Misrepresenting themselves as another user

  • Attempting to gain access to data belonging to others

  • Downloading copyrighted material


Adopted by Board of Trustees

November 12, 2013

Revised September 9, 2024


Contact Info

Harris-Elmore Public Library

328 Toledo St. P.O. Box 45

Elmore, OH 43416


Phone:  (419) 862-2482

Fax:  (419) 862-2123


Genoa Branch Library

602 West St.

Genoa, OH 43430


Phone:  (419) 855-3380

Fax:  (419) 855-7012


Library Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9:30am - 7pm

Friday: 9:30am - 5pm

Saturday: 9:30am - 3pm

Sunday: CLOSED

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